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Round table discussions on "Perspectives of the development of innovations in the field of Big data and intellectual property"

Wednesday, 16 October 2019 8:35




The Council of innovations at Bulgarian chamber of commerce and industry (BCCI) and the Institute of creative industries and business (ICIB) at UNWE are organizing a round table discussion on "Perspectives of the development of innovations in the field of Big data and intellectual property".

The event will take place on October 29, 2019 (Tuesday), 14:00 in Conference hall A, floor ,1 at the headquarters of BCCI,  Iskar Str. №9.


During the opening of the round table discussion welcome addresses will be made by:

  • Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov, chairman of the Board of directors of BCCI
  • Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, rector of UNWE


Speakers at the event will be:

  • Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, director of the Center for computer innovative systems at UNWE;
  • Prof. Dr. Kamelia Stefanova, dean of the “Applied informatics and statistics” faculty, head of “ITC” department at UNWE;
  • Prof. Dr. Vladia Borissova, director of the Institute of creative industries and business and director of the Technology transfer office at UNWE.

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