Online platform B.O.S.S.
Business opportunity support system - B.O.S.S. is an online platform created by the University of Belgrade, META group and the University of Liege in the implementation of a project co-financed by Erasmus +. The platform aims to promote the abilities of students, researchers and lecturers to use the results of their research and to start entrepreneurial projects. This is made possible by providing free access to:
- Business Opportunity self-assessment tool in the form of a questionnaire. It allows you to assess your business opportunity by answering several relevant questions related to the team, technology, market, unique value proposition, IP, and financials.
- Business Opportunity Development planning tool - Formed as a canvas, the tool enables you to have a clear picture of all important elements which should be taken into consideration in the process of business opportunity development.
- Business Opportunity Disclosure Form - The purpose of this tool is to collect the information required to understand the results of scientific research and to evaluate these results for protection and commercial potential.
- Educational materials in pdf and video format which provides you with the opportunity to learn about different topics such as team, market, intellectual property, technology, etc.
The platform and the instruments and materials it contains can be used freely after the user creates a profile.
Web site of the platform: